Tips to learn a new language : Learning language make your brain smarter

Hai. It's me Nasyitah.

Since I was in middle school, I was interested in language so I tried to learn as much languages as I can.
The MAIN reason is because one of my teacher in middle school said in one of his class that learning language makes you smarter and lower the chance of getting Alzheimer's.

Well, while learning these languages, my aim is not to be SUPER FLUENT but to at least understand well and be able to speak well too. (Trying not to be hard on myself)

English is not my mother tongue so please forgive me for any grammar mistakes. Hiks.

If you ask me what and how many languages I can speak, the answer is 3.
1. Malay. Since I'm from Malaysia.
2. English. Everyone here learn and speak English. Also, I tried to be good in English because it is the lingua franca in many countries.
3. Achenese. Because my mom is from Acheh.

So? What is my mother tongue? I have no idea. LOL. I speak ALL 3 languages at home. OK. Maybe Achenese/ Malay.

Right now, I'm learning Korean and it has been few years since I started but through out those years, I couldn't find the right time to actually FOCUS and study it. But now since I've finished my Degree studies, I finally can put my mind and soul in learning it.

So, here are some tips that I picked up through out the process,

1. Listen and get use to the words and the way the native speakers pronounce it so when you learn it, it will be easier for you. This is IMPORTANT if you are learning a language that have a different way of pronouncing.
2. Look for website or book that you use to revise.
3. Prepare a note book, because you got to take ALOT of NOTES here.
4. Try to use the language in you daily days. Even a word a day is enough for you to get use to the word.
5. Speak with native speakers, if possible.
6. Last TIPs, watch movie without subtitle. First, watch it with subtitle, then try to watch without it and stop rewatching it until you understand the WHOLE movie.
I know this is hard because you might get bored of the movie after few time replaying it. BUT, it works!.

I guess I babble too much here. I hope THESE tips helps you and GOODLUCK uols.

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